
Pay For Performance(PFP) SEO

What is PFP SEO?

You only pay when you are actually ranking on page 1 of Google for searches you have chosen.


PFP SEO Standard SEO
No fees until you rank on the first page Monthly Fees rather you rank or not
Guaranteed rankings and refund after 6 months No guarantess or refunds
Simple dashoard to track actual rankings Long hard to read reports
Have worked with QC Business since 2003 with results No real focus on your industry or area
All our work is behind the scenes. No work required by you. Require you to update your site
Long term contracts 12 month contract only. Then month to month; cancel anytime. Includes 6 month exit clause w/ refund. Long term contracts, no guarantees, no refunds.

You know what you really want is to solve one or more problems. A well designed website, that can be found, is a great way to do that. We understand you want to profit, grow, have more time .....; not focus on your web presence.

That is why we do all our work behind the scenes. The only thing required of you is to supply the search phrases you want to show on Google for. We can help with finding keywords that are relevant to you also.

Gettinig Started

# of Keywords Ranking Cost per Month
1-10 $500-800*
11-20 $1000-$1300*
21-30 $1500-1800*
*Price varies depding on the competition level of search term/s
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How to Pick Search Terms?

  • You can choose the terms that you know will bring in more leads or help you current customers out.
  • We can also use tools to determine what search terms are most likely to bring you the most qualified traffic.
  • Other

    Most businesses start with 10-20 keywords.

    If you chooose 20 you will only be charged for serch terms 11-20 once 11 keywords are ranking. If you choose 30, you will only be charged for the first 20 until all those rank and you have 21 search terms ranking. And so on.

    It really is that simple. We do all the behind the scenes work to push you to the top of search. You only have to pick the search terms and sit back and wait for the rankings.

    Most of our clients rank within 30-60 days.
    > No complicted contracts.
    > No work needed by you, after picking the search terms.

    > We do ask clients to onboard for 12 months. The first couple of months is when the foundation of the campaign is built. After that we continue to optimize your rankings to move you to the top of the first page.

    > If you are not ranking for at least 2 terms after 6 month, you get a refund.
    > If you are not ranking for anything after 3 months, you may cancel and get a refund.

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